There are really great things about a warmup in February. Opening windows that have been shut for four months is nice. Driving with the window down, even a crack; wonderful. There are some bad things about it too. The Mulsh (that is mud/slush) and the worst part: The TEASE. You walk outside in a sweatshirt and no hat for the first time in what seems like years and your brain goes SPRING!!! WHOOO HOO! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! Then you realize it's only halfway through February. It's not fair.
I want my Spring to arrive and stay, thanks! And in the Midwest you can't plan on this actually happening until about May 5th. Oh sure, it'll hit 70 a few times before that, maybe even kiss 80; but it will snow in April. That is as close to a sure bet as you can get. It will snow in April and you will get the flu right after you spend a few days walking around in the mulsh and smiling at the sun and looking for crocuses.
I think I live here just so I'll have something to complain about.
I've always said that I am a "grass is always greener" person. I always think that "if only I lived in Florida, I'd be so happy" or "if only I lost 20 pounds" or "If only I had enough money for x or y or z; that would really make me happy". And it does. For awhile, anyway. Okay, maybe for a few days. But, then what? Then, I start thinking of the next sure cure for the grass is greener syndrome.
I'm not saying that I shouldn't move someplace warmer. I'd probably love it. I'm not saying that I shouldn't lose 20 pounds; I really should. And more money would help.
I'm saying I need to get off my ass and make the happy happen, because it sure isn't going to come up and bite me while I whine on the computer. And, it won't make my stomach any smaller.
I need to get up and get going. I need to find the happy.